Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend Over, Back to Work

So this was my weekend in a nutshell. Friday evening I stayed in and watched some high quality television shopping. My fellow humanites, that is a relaxing time. Sit back on your reclining couch and suck back a bottle of Pepsi Summer Mix that you found still lingering around your local Walmart, and you have no worries. Let the nieghborhood kids rip up your begonias. Who cares. You're an American.

I followed that up on Saturday with a supposedly hellistic ritualistic tradition that involves turning a harmless orange vegetable into an evil glowing child of the night. Why? Well, it's because I'm full of fucking seasonal spirit, that's why, and if anyone tries to tell me I'm not, I'll back it up by building you a haunted house out in some old barn in the boonies. I'll get Charles Manson to come up and play the Wolfman. I swear to god I will.

Sunday I got up to a glorious day, knowing that soon I would be going to the Apple Store in my nearby Carousel Mall, and I would be coming home with a new Hewlett-Packard tower, naturally joined with the new excting Windows Vista. (Go figure.) they keep their Apple Stores clean and polished. Upon closing time, I discovered that all of the iEmployees wipe down everything in the store. Nice. That is the way to be. No one wants a 30 inch cinema display with dust on it. I want it prestine, and they knew that. Great bunch of upper class folks.

My VistaBox is sitting in my living room. I'll let you in on The Wow when I get it optimized for an additional fee. Word. Peace out holmes.

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