Monday, March 22, 2010

Universal Health Care PASSED?!?!

So this fucking thing passed? are you kidding me?

I've been gone enjoying the freedom that the world has to offer. I really have. To be honest, I gave a big old fashioned "SCREW THE INTERWEBZ"...

I got a summons from my good buddy Jesus, and he said "You know what you've gotta do? You've gotta spread the good word."

I'm like, "Listen, I go to church, I like you, a whole lot, but I don't know enough to preach-"

He cut me off. "I'm talking about that black dude. You know, the one that's only called half white when he does something stupid? Like now. Now that the Health Care Bill passed, he'll be half white."

"Oh. Yeah, Jesus. I know who you mean. That one. The one with the oversized gas hogging custom pimp limo. Right."

So I'm here now. I won't rest until this thing is sent back to the void and emptiness from which it came. Which is kind of odd, because I don't quite know how you'd fit a bill / law / novel between Nancy Pelosi's ears...

9 comments: said...

great blog very geeky

Mike said...

Hi Skippy,

Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!

We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog
Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."

It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your

Best regards,

Mike Thomas

Mike said...


Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!

We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog
Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."

It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your

Best regards,

Mike Thomas

SkippyThorson said...

Mike... You're breakin' my balls here, Mike... If you're going to leave a comment once every day until I agree, that's not the way business is conducted.

I'll make you a real deal, Mikey. I can call you Mikey. right? Here's the scoop. Either 1) you prove to me you're not running some shistey little scheme, and I agree to do your 2-bit interview-thing, or 2) you can keep breakin' my balls with a comment a day, and I can keep deleting them, and you can go take a shit for yourself.

Take your pick, it's not too hard. I expect an answer by noon tomorrow, or I assume the latter. We got a deal Mikey? Best regards.

(Thank you, top real live person, for the compliment. Your blog is pretty schweet too.)

Gage1 said...

As a Canadian who enjoys Universal health care (and without the long waits etc. that everybody mentions but I've never seen, for example I got in for an MRI that I didn't pay a dime out of pocket for in less than 1 week!) I'm curious to know why so many Americans are against this?

SkippyThorson said...

Hey Gage. I think what you're referring to is fear. Americans live in fear. Will my car need work soon? Do I have termites? Is she really pregnant?

To speak from the unbiased side, this may not be the worst idea. We've actually had this for years. It's called the waiting room. If you come in dying, we can't tell you to leave. So it's not like anything is too different there.

People are afraid that it's going to bring the quality of health care to an average low level for everyone, increase taxes, and decrease funding for things, effectively cutting programs in every field.

We'll see how this all pans out in time, but there's still a ton of fear. Within the 1,990 page 'law', no one really knows all of the fine print. Not even the Pres.

thierry said...

Excellent Blog. Rare. thank you.

Will said...

Living in the UK, I love free universal healthcare. I cannot see why so many Americans are against this.

SkippyThorson said...

Thierry - Thank you, rare is a great description to hear.

Will - My reply a few above you mostly answers that one. Fear and cost. Free is not free; free comes from taxpayer money, like the kind that funds our Solitaire-playing government employees.